Film Annex News

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BIG NEWS first:

Starting September 1st, we are changing the War of Films prizes. The filmmaker with the most popular film will get $2000, and the most active voter will make $400 at the end of the month. Pretty sweet, right? Don’t forget that we reset the votes on the last day of each month, so make sure you join the contest full speed on September 1st.

If you have a film competing in the War of Films, please spread the word about it on your Facebook, Twitter, and any other social network platform you’re on. You can use the cute share icons we have on top of our pages! This way you will not only be promoting your film, but also the contest!

Lastly, don’t forget about our ongoing NICKY'S FILM REMIX & SOUND DESIGN CONTEST. New York Magazine’s humorous entertainment and culture blog VULTURE wrote about our contest this week. Check it out!

So what’s good on Film Annex this week?

Featured Filmmaker

Misha Votruba has extensive creative experience in feature film, documentaries and experimental theater. In addition to directing documentary films in the Czech Republic, Canada, Japan and the US, he worked as a story editor in Los Angeles, CA and freelanced in the EU. In 2006, Misha Films, embarked on a creative collaboration with the renowned New York experimental theater company Mabou Mines on the multimedia project “Finn”, which is to open in the US in 2010.

Featured Film

How much trouble would you go through to get to your favorite convenient store? The 8th Floor Superette answers that question for you. Directed by Matthew Thompson and written by Jeremy Glass, this mini short film gives you all you need: passion, persistence, a good scheme, and delicious food!

Featured Web TV

Jessica King and Julie Keck, the talented screenwriting & filmmaking duo also known as King is a Fink, write, direct, and produce short and feature films that make you laugh (a lot), make you feel uncomfortable (which is hard to pull off), and create very believable characters that you might think you know in real life. The duo has been creating movies together for almost ten years, and their film Girl Rods was screened at the Women in the Director’s Chair Film Festival in Chicago, IL in 2001. Their Web TV brings you all the good stuff – their short films, adventures, preps for a brand new production, and more. If you want to have a good time this weekend, we suggest you check this Web TV out.

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The Film Annex Team

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