Film Annex, now introducing the BITES CHANNEL

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The Bites Channel on Film Annex:

Bites are excerpts from your films - your favorite scene, the funniest moment, the saddest stare, and the most moving conversation.

Post 3-second bites from your films on our platform and join the fun!

Give your Bites away at no cost.

The Film Annex users will be able to send your Bites in their emails, cells phone messages, and instant messages on the web, creating viral awareness for your films!

Add the 3-second bites to your film profiles, include them in the movies for download section, and chose Bites as the channel to be used.

Check out this example:

P.S. Film Annex is reaching more and more people every month: In June, we reached 1.2 million people. This month our traffic will reach 2.4 million.

Best regards,

Film Annex

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