first year of high school

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so far this year is good I tried to make new friends its hard. so I tried out for theater met couple of people their cool.but I still feel like I don't fit in. Then I met  someone he and his friend started hanging out with me their really fun. Then there's this kid I haven't seen for a long time .he  was dating this girl who keeps braking up with him .so we started hanging out again. 3 weeks later she tells him that she wants to get back with him. I guess she told him to stop hanging out with me .Now I really getting use of high school I try to keep up with every thing. we had a event where I helped set up for.My friend's friend had put up lights it was amazing it went a cross. My friend was showing me a song on his laptop then his friend showed me a video while  the song was playing it was funny. My heath teacher said that we had a test  turns out we didn't we ended up watch a movie that's my favorite it's called soul surf  its about a girl who had lost her arm by a shark she didn't give up surfing she kept trying then she did it.

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