Five Deadly Plants/Flowers in the World

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5). Nerium oleander

Nerium Oleander is an evergreen plant which is mostly known as Oleander. It contains toxicity in all of its parts. If swallowed, it can influence the heart, central nervous system and gastrointestinal system. And it can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea containing blood, nausea and excess salivation. Further it leads to the irregular heart rate, slows it down below the normal or make it faster than the normal. One may possibly become cold and pale because of the poor blood circulation. The overall condition can take one to coma or death.

4). Ageratina altissima (White Snakeroot)

It is also known as richweed, white snakeroot, tall boneset and white sanicle. Tremetol is the toxin contained by this plant. Mostly these plants are consumed by the cattle, their milk and blood gets contaminated by the toxin. And when the contaminated meat or milk is consumed by the humans in enough quantity, that toxin causes poisoning in the human body. That poisoning is often known as milk sickness which causes serious illness.

3). Cerbera Odollam (Suicide Tree)

It is dicotyledonous angiosperm. This plant is most commonly known by the name of “suicide tree”. The grains of odollam comprise of cerberin, which is a digoxin type cardenolide and another toxin which is cardiac glycoside, which causes blockage for calcium ion channel in the heart muscles. Which is the base of disturbance in the heart beat most often disastrously. The cerberin is difficult to detect in autopsies and is also used as agent for homicide.

2). Atropa Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade)

This plant is also known as the deadly nightshade. Belladonna contains tropane alkaloids. These berries have a sweet taste and also look attractive but the intake of up to 5 berries can be disastrous and deadly. The root is the most toxic one and the consumption of leafs can also be lethal. It can cause blurred vision, headache, sensitivity to light, dry throat and mouth, loss of balance, constipation and convulsions. The intake can disturb the working of parasympathetic nervous system which in return leads to disruption of heart rate, sweating and breathing.

1). Aconitum Napellus

This is another deadly flower and its symptoms occur within one hour after consumption. And leads to instant death, if a huge quantity taken the death occurs within five hours. Diarrhea, vomiting and nausea are the signs. Because of severe poisoning the weakness occurs, numbness and tingling. Some other symptoms are dizziness, headache, confusion, heart paralysis. It contains aconitine toxin which is absorbed by the skin easily so picking leafs of the plant with bare hands can also be poisonous.

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