Five Wedding weight loss tips for the bride

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So your big day is just around the corner, and you’ve ordered your white gown a size or two smaller than you really are hoping you’d shed the extra weight, but you haven’t… Now what? It’s simple, here are 5 weight loss tips that we’ve tried and tested for you to walk you down the aisle a size smaller:


1. Hydrate: Drinking lots of water before your big day can help you in many ways. From beautiful skin, to weight loss, to softer hair and a bridal glow, drinking 8- 12 cups of water a day will help you feel fuller quicker, speed up your metabolism, moisturize your skin, and give you that glow you’ve always wanted.

2. Dump the junk: Staying away from junk food will not only help you lose weight, but will control those massive breakouts you’ve been getting. Make sure you read food labels carefully, count calories (there are many apps for that now), get your daily dose of fruits and veggies, and stay away from fast food!

3. Try on your dress: Seeing positive results could be the best motivation you’ll ever get. Keep trying on old clothes that haven’t fit before and keep them as a goal to motivate you to carry on with your diet plan until they actually do.

4. Steer clear of the sugars: If you’re anything like me, your sugar cravings could be your worst nightmare. Whenever you get a sugar craving, choose a natural sugar that comes from honey or fruits. Sugar substitutes and Aspartame could be used for coffee/ tea however be careful, they make you hungry faster. A little change like this can easily help you drop 2 KGs.

5. Exercise: Duh! We all hate exercising but we have to do it! Get any form of exercise 3 times a week. Whether it’s yoga, dancing, jogging, running, or even walking your dog around the neighborhood, a 30- 60 minute cardio workout will get your body toned and stretched, ready for that honeymoon bikini!

Now that you have all these tips to slim you down, the most important thing is perseverance and confidence. Be confident that you can do it, and persevere until you do!

About the author


i m Imran Hashmii From Pakistan Blogger Since 2009

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