Fraud Again in Haiti Elections? By Ambassador mo

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Election results for President were to be final March 31, 2011; however they have been delayed because of indications that election fraud is somehow involved. This is unfortunate for the political future of Haiti and its bruised democracy. Worse though, it could be dangerous in view of the disputes and delays that took place during the first round which prompted violence and threats. Preliminary results are now expected on April 4, 2011 and final results are scheduled by the new timetable for April 15, 2011. The final run-off election for Haiti’s new President had been delayed for months. In the end, Michelle Martley and Mirlande Manigat were determined as winners of the preliminary round. Mr. Martley’s supporters had rioted and threatened further action when it appeared that he had been squeezed out of the run-off by the surprise showing of the current President’s ally. Apparently the Provisional Election Council had agreed and Mr. Marteley was deemed to have garnered second most votes. (See Film Report - With that history in mind, the current allegations of fraud are not likely to leave the supporters of the losing candidate with confidence in the results. While Ms. Manigat evidences a considerably more genteel style, she had apparently received most votes in the first round, and her supporters would have reason to be suspicious. (See Film Report - ) Electoral politics raise significant passion with a badly splintered voter base. The return of exiled former Presidents “Baby Doc” Duvalier and more recently Jean Bertrand Aristide is likely to make the situation even more divisive. (See Film Report - The latest turn of events is also disconcerting because UN mandated observers only a few days earlier had expressed apparent confidence in the managing of the election process this time around (20-3-2011). (See Film Report - The elections had also apparently been held with considerably less indications of voter violence or fraud. It will be interesting for us to find out what went wrong for results to be so delayed and apparently affected by fraud. More importantly, the Haitian people deserve a thorough explanation for the sake of democracy and peace in this recovering country. (See Film Report - By Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey Face Book at “Diplomatically Incorrect” Twitter - DiplomaticallyX

About the author


"Voice of the Global Citizen"- Diplomatically Incorrect ( provide film and written reports on issues reflecting diplomatic discourse and the global citizen. Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey (@MuhamedSacirbey) is former Foreign Minister Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina at the United Nations. "Mo" is also signatory of the Rome Conference/Treaty establishing the International…

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