From Begumpet to LP Nagar

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So yesterday the US Consulate in Hyderabad held a workshop on gender based violence and involving men in the fight. The speaker was an American who joined the movement in the 80s and has worked with abused women. He was very informative and the crowd was a good mix of men and women. Some men were advocates in the field and others have loved ones who have been victims of gender based violence. He had some good activities that can be made child appropriate for educating kids and adults on the issue. He provided some good resources but the session was not long enough. He barely got through his slides which as he was flipping through it had awesome information. I have witnessed gender based violence and attended to gain more information and learn about the Indian context since it has been in the media a lot. I was sad to learn a woman was killed (honor Killing) on Rakshabhandan by her family when the day celebrates a sister's love for her brother and a brother's protection over his sister.

Next stop was lunch at Okorite's place since I had time to kill before my IDEX meeting. Had some noodles and got her perspective on how to deal with my organization's issues.

At IDEX the meeting went well but as I ended up worrying the staff who will bring my situation up with HR in Atlanta. She wants me to get out more and visit different organizations that interest me. She also had similar thoughts that Okorite did that I have a unique opportunity to lay down a framework to guide ST so that they can move forward. Systems need to be in place before the projects they want me to work on could be viable.

From IDEX I found my way to M and T's place in LB Nagar. 4 buses passed me, 2 while I was at the wrong bus stop and the other 2 after I reached the correct bus stop. Thanks for traffic I caught the last bus by walking behind it until it reached a point where it was crawling along and hopped on from the back door. I went through Koti and took some time in Koti to find the correct bus to their place. I finally had biriyani which we ordered in and the delivery guy had trouble finding their place. Shadow is starting to be friendly with me which is awesome that this morning he let me pet him. 

Now I know buses to NGO Colony go to their place. This morning I caught the 218 bus to Lingampally from their place and it was a seriously long bus ride which I was standing for most of the ride. By the time I got a seat we were past Lakdikapoul. On the walk home I passed a group of guys who I presume to be police officers based on their uniform. Two of them called me over and asked the typical where are you from and why are you here. Then they questioned me about where I live and who I am staying with. When I said aparna and that I'm alone they asked why am I walked. They also wanted to know what cops are like in the USA to which I responded to as not since given my experience in 2012 in St Louis and the recent shootings of unarmed African Americans. 

About the author


Curious about the world and searching to find what I can give back to the world to make it a better place for others.

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