Fun Facts About K.P.K Pakistan

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Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, also known as KPK (formerly known as North-West Frontier Province), is one of the four provinces of Pakistan, located in the northwestern region of the country. The capital and largest city in KPK is Peshawar, followed by Mardan. KPK shares an international border with Afghanistan, and is connected via the Khyber Pass.

Some interesting facts about KPK.

The people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa converse in a variety of languages such as Khowar, Hindko, Kohistani, Shina, Torwali, Kashmiri, Kalasha, Farsi and Kaghani.

The Karakoram Highway is the bridge between China and Pakistan, and has been constructed at a height of 15,397 ft. making it the highest paved international road in the world.

 The second highest mountain peak in the world, K2, is located in these Northern Area.

 The highest POLO ground of the world is located in Gilgit Baltistan

 The literacy rate of the province was recorded in 2012 to be 60.9%

 Due to the inavsion of Afghanistan  by soviets Peshawar provided 3 Million Afghan with shelter.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is spread over 74,521 sq. km, and has a population of over 22 million!

About the author


I'm Pakistani born New Zealand Resident ,Working as Retail Manager with food stuff New Zealand .I'm also working part time as a consultant for Pakistani student to get admission in New Zealand colleges and Unis . Swimming is my passion and I love to play soccer .I would love to…

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