Get your horoscope today, for August 27th, 2014

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There are many aspects in orb today, but one of the most striking is the Venus-Saturn square. Between strong willed Leo and powerful Scorpio, this is an aspect to be reckoned with. The easy option faces stern opposition from the responsible option today, and many of us will be forced to abandon the niceties of life in order to deal with the necessities instead. It's not a lot of fun, but it is very educational in a life lessons kind of way. 

aries zodiac signAries Horoscope

Today's Venus-Saturn square has implications for your love life, Aries, but your current unwillingness to take a risk is not going to go down too well with your lover.

taurus zodiac signTaurus Horoscope

There is drama aplenty courtesy of today's Venus-Saturn square, Taurus - your family and your partner certainly don't see eye to eye for a start.

gemini zodiac signGemini Horoscope

You're not exactly always on fire, Gemini, and you often seek the easy way out of a situation. Today's Venus-Saturn square shows why this can be a mistake.

Continue to the rest of your Gemini Horoscope.

cancer zodiac signCancer Horoscope

Today's Venus-Saturn square is all about money, Cancer, and it's not particularly great news on the financial front. Your spending has a lot to answer for.

leo zodiac signLeo Horoscope

Self-esteem and a lack of confidence come about today due to the unkind words of family member, Leo. Hang on in there, and remember that you're better than this.

virgo zodiac signVirgo Horoscope

Today's Venus-Saturn square brings you disappointment, Virgo, as a cherished hope fails to materalize - but this could spur you on to greater things.

libra zodiac signLibra Horoscope

The Venus-Saturn square today highlights insincerity in your friendships, Libra, and causes a parting of the ways with someone you've never really warmed to.

scorpio zodiac signScorpio Horoscope

Today's Venus-Saturn square is very revealing about your inner self-judgements, Scorpio, particularly when it comes to your career progress and ambitions.

sagittarius zodiac signSagittarius Horoscope

Do you have a phobia of something which is holding you back, Sagittarius? A fear of flying, maybe? Today's Venus-Saturn square brings it to the forefront - but you can help yourself to get rid of it.


capricorn zodiac signCapricorn Horoscope

Don't waste time trying to appease people who won't be appeased, Capricorn. Today's Venus-Saturn square hints that it's time to get tough with others.


aquarius zodiac signAquarius Horoscope

The first step towards improving your work-life balance is to be open and honest about the problems the current imbalance is causing. Only then can you move on.


pisces zodiac signPisces Horoscope

It's not a crime to change your mind over something, Pisces, especially once you've realized that your original course of action was unethical in some way.


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