Gift of the Seam

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Two tasty dishes Sea, rich in nutrients and is not particularly difficult to do will help you to have a meal with the taste indescribable feelings.
Shrimp, crab steamed beer
Ingredients: headless shrimp (if there is more beautiful than the first); crab (or crab meat); 1 can of beer; 1 little ginger, a few cloves of discharge. Spices: pepper, seasoning salt, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
- Shrimp cut into ½ head and beard for Brass salt water or diluted vinegar, soak a few minutes, take out and drain. Crab washed lung removed. Marinate shrimp, crab with pepper, seasoning salt, ginger.
- North pot of boiling water for 2/3 cans of beer, shrimp, steamed crab on, bottom lined few stalks dam discharge for stamping. Sometimes opening beer poured on shrimp, steamed shrimp thoroughly red.
Presentation: Arrange shrimp, crab onto the disc. Few stalks can decorate herbs, peppers around. Dotted with mustard (wasabi) or lemon pepper and salt.
Hong Kong style roasted salted crab
Ingredients: Crab brick or crab meat; onion; first act; onion; garlic, chili grind; sugar; seasoning; soy sauce; oyster sauce; ½ cup broth; cooking oil; lemon.
- Crab washed, cut into four. Minced garlic, peeled onion, chopped small. North pot of hot oil, fry for just nine windows, take out, drain the oil.
- African onion, garlic, crushed chilies for flavor, the crab into the pan, seasoning spices including seasoning, soy sauce, oyster sauce, chopped chilli and a little sugar, stir hand.
- Up to the first issue, onion and broth into. Stir until the water dried, seasoned to taste it again for you, continue to stir fry until the crab to dry.
Presentation: presentation of the disc, decoration. Use hot, dotted with lemon pepper and salt.

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