1 Find the software and replace a certain
There are software products is very popular but not everyone is happy with them, so people tend to find one or equivalent product with the same functionality. The question is how do we find out the name of the product / software to replace it? Use the keyword "vs", for example, you need to find the software instead of Evernote, I just type "Evernote vs" immediately, a list of software that can replace Evernote will appear shortly.

2 Find high quality images and the largest size of an image
You see a beautiful picture on the Internet and want to use as wallpaper, but it's too small? Google will help you find high quality images of the picture. By image.google.com website, drag and drop an image into the search box of the site, to wait for the download to finish, then click on the words "All sizes" to find that picture with all the dimensions of large to small. A new web page will appear, you look at the numbers below each photo to see the size of them.

Note: The image itself is not the biggest size is best. Sometimes there are a number of sites using software interpolation to respiratory variations of image thumbnails of image quality to be pretty bad.

3 See the website through faulty cache
Sometimes you will encounter a number of errors resulting website is not accessible and can not see the content. The easiest way is to use Google's cache. Google has a feature that automatically saves entire web pages in its cache and you can also view it is always, by using the syntax "cache: website address-", for example: "cache: BBC.com ".

Search the website 4 separate
This procedure is simple, effective and sure many of you know well. Instead of searching the entire Internet is sometimes we just want to own in a certain website. By using the syntax "site: site-web-site-only keyword", for example, you want to find all the articles related to your Nokia Essence is found as follows: "site: BBC.com nokia" .

5 Foreign currency exchange, unit of measure, as the countdown clock
These are great features yourself using:

Foreign exchange, for example: "100 USD in EUR".
Change unit: "1 foot in cm".
Type in the keyword "Timer" to appear countdown clock on the Google homepage.