Grand Theft Auto

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Grand Theft Auto also known as GTA is one of the most amazing game series ever! In my own opinion of course. A game project company by Rockstar Games home of the open world awesome games. 

A thing that makes GTA cooler than other games is because of the open world. You can do so many awesome stuffs! You can ram people and shoot people. It's really violent and for mature people's only but no one cares 'cause its awesome. Also GTA is a original game produced by Rockstar unlike other companies who make GTA Clones. GTA is unique.

One of things that make it more cooler is the modifications. GTA: San Andreas has one of the most coolest mods for me. Like the GTA San Andreas to GTA V conversion. Also lets not forget the ENB series that makes your game play high definition. I currently posting videos and downloads of modifications. Hit up me with comments if you like one.

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