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Winter Place 5 Precautions

Winter asthmatic patients is so painful, but heart patients also requires considerable care in the season. The winter Rktwahinian constrict, affecting the heart.
1 To avoid this, avoid going into the cold environment. In the cold and head to the exit so well dressed in woolen cap after including quit, and blood vessels in the body stays warm.

2 things to eat more fat and smoke, please do not drink alcohol. This can narrow Rktwahinian and circulation to the heart can cause a problem is corrected. Also the pressure can become.
3 3-4 km walk twice asks. It has many advantages. Not only better blood circulation, but will remain warm and fat deposition in the body will not, which proves dangerous.
4. Reduce the intake of salt. Make use of the limited amount of butter and ghee. Keep blood pressure control and lipid concentration is necessary for you to stop.
5 Avoid stress. Enjoy the warm sunshine, however.

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