Help build an Orphanage in Kenya

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In October of 2008 a US based team will be traveiling to Kenya to build an Orphanage for 70 children. The children are presently sleeping in a building made of sheet metal and cloth. Though it is a step up from the street, no one can be truly safe in these flimsy shelters. After the violence which recently rocked Kenya our orphan population in one location alone grew from 39 to 70. We have daily requests to accomodate more and more children. We plan to build sleeping quarters so each child will have his/her own bed, a nursey for our infants, a laundry room since all laundry is presently done in plastic buckets, and believe me 70 children living in dusty Africa make lots of wash. Cooking, now done over an open fire will be done on a proper stove as we will also finish the long awaited kitchen. We still need cash donations for materials as well to pay local laborers who we will utilize as much as possible. Job creation is a great way for us to contribute beyond caring for the orphans. All donations are tax deductible. The trip isn't closed yet so let us know if you think you could help out and want to join us. Covenant Children, Inc. 212 245 3860

About the author


Our Mission: To provide safety, shelter, water, food, basic health care and education for orphans and other vulnerable and at risk children and adults around the world. Only a little change is required to change the life of a child. If you would like to be part of our effort…

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