Here's How to Walk for Weight Loss

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Walking is the preferred fitness activity of many people because it is simple, free, and available to anyone. A walking program is a good way to lose some weight and improve your overall level of fitness, but you do have to put a little effort into making it work for you.  

Walking is a safe and effective way to strengthen your heart and lungs and to improve your general state of health. However, to get the best results you must vary your walking routine as you become more fit. If you notice that your walks are getting to be less of a challenge or your weight loss is slowing down, then it's time to add some variety to your walking program. 

Here are three tips to add intensity and interest to your fitness walking. 

1) Do what more advanced walkers do and buy a pair of wrist or ankle weights to wear on your walks. The extra weight and resistance forces your core muscles to compensate by working harder, thereby burning more calories. 

2) For faster weight loss, change your walking route to incorporate more uphill inclines. You can even try to find some outdoor steps to climb. Occasionally, you can leave the city streets behind and opt for a vigorous hike through a nearby park or wooded area. Choosing more difficult terrain and more uphill walking will make use of slightly different muscles and get your heart pumping faster. You'll burn more calories, boost your metabolism, and start to see renewed weight loss progress. 

3) A great way to increase your motivation and get more out of your walks is to sign up with a local walking club. By joining a group of like-minded walkers, you will find it easier to push yourself harder and you will be more inspired to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals. You will also feel better about your fitness level when you meet other people who are on the same level as you. 

In order to see weight loss results, you will need more exertion than a leisurely stroll. Instead of lollygagging, walk briskly and continuously so that your heart rate stays elevated for 30 minutes or longer. You can lose pounds through walking as long as you commit to your plan and keep challenging yourself to work harder. 

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petroleum engineer

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