"He's Like Me in a Man's Body"

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Who Was It With? 


When Did You Realize It was Love? 

When I was alone and I thought "this would be so much better if he was here

What Did It Feel Like? 

Well, he's like me in a man's body. We have the same interests, favorites, and opinions. A mutual friend set us up and the day after I ended up texting him, and we instantly hit it off. He's two years older then me, so naturally my parents were a bit apprehensive about us dating but once they met him, they had no problem with it. We talked non-stop, and the more we talked the deeper our feelings became for each other. I realized I was IN love with him when we were lying on his futon staring at each other and I realized how happy I was with him. And I knew that I didn't want to be with anyone else.

What Happened Next? 

We started dating after we told each other we loved each other, and spent uncountable amounts of time together. When wrestling season started we weren't able to spend as much time together, but that hardly affected us. However, one day we had a pretty nasty argument ending with him breaking up with me claiming that he felt "tied down" being in a relationship. I went home and cried for hours. At exactly 5:30 RIGHT after wrestling practice let out he called me. He was near tears telling me that I was all he could think about all practice, and that he made such a mistake. He told me he was irreversably in love with me and that he regreretted everything he said.

We're still together today :) Our anniversary is tomorrow, actually :3

Lessons Learned

  • Something good can work!
  • Never give up hope, follow your heart, live every day like it's your last :

About the author