Holy Week Advisory

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Holy Week is just around the corner and tourists both foreign and locals are expected to flock to the different tourist destinations in our country. For those who are planning to visit Sagada, please read this advisory from Ms. Alma Louise B. Bagano.

To ALL TOURISTS PLANNING TO COME TO SAGADA FOR THE HOLY WEEK WITHOUT RESERVATIONS.. Please be advised that all rooms in the registered inns and some homestays are FULLY BOOKED. So that you will enjoy your long weekend with no or less frustrations, plan your vacation somewhere else and come to Sagada next time by making reservations as early as two months before your vacation.
To all my friends and friends of friends here in facebook, please copy and post in your timeline and all the group forums you are registered in. This is helping the incoming walk in tourists expecting to visit Sagada. This is also to prevent Sagada from overflow of unmanageable tourism problems - no rooms, water shortage, traffic, overload of carrying capacity, and bad publicity about us here in Sagada. The least we can do is give this notice any which way we can.

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One with a positive outlook..

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