How Bitcoin Empowers Women in Developing Countries, as told in The Age of Cryptocurrency by P. Vigna and M. Casey

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The Age of Cryptocurrency which has recently been published by Paul Vigna and Michael Casey explains how Bitcoin is challenging the global market and economy. The book is an informative introduction to Bitcoin that explains everything about crypto-currency and its ideological roots. According to its readers, the book is considered to be the best in bitcoin and crypto-currency.

The Age of Cryptocurrency explains how bitLanders (formerly Film Annex) is using bitcoin to empower women in developing countries such as Afghanistan. bitLanders pays its users with bitcoin that can be spent on the platform. Young girls and women in Afghanistan earn a lot from bitLanders which helps them be financially independent.

See here below a video with interviews to Afghan female students and their teacher about Bitcoin:


Below is part of Parisa Ahmadi’s story. Parisa is an Afghan girl who is earning Bitcoin via bitLanders. She was interviewed by Paul Vigna and Michael Casey about her experience with using Bitcoin in Afghanistan:

  “Ahmadi started taking classes in 2013, and she and her classmates were learning about the World Wide Web, social media, and blogs. A movie lover who also loved to write about the movies that moved her, she began writing blog posts, and it turned out that its members responded positively to her reviews, earning her the first real income of her young life.  

  Still, one of the other things most girls don’t have in Afghanistan is a bank account. If the Afghani teen ever had any money, she had to transfer it into her father or brothers’ bank accounts, and that’s simply the way it is for most girls where she lives. In this sense, she was lucky—many women from her background would have encountered male family members who outright blocked her from access to her funds and treated it as their own.

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