How do you know that your hair is healthy?

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Every woman wants to have beautiful and gorgeous hair. But how do you know that your hair is healthy? It's quite a few simple ways to find out. Know the 7 signs that will tell whether your hair is healthy or not.

01. Silky Nice Hair:

Is your hair silky and shiny?  Then your hair is healthy, because the main sign of healthy hair is shiny looks. If the hair is lifeless and rough then there will be no dazzling expression in your hair.

02. Smooth Hair:

Is your hair smooth? I mean if your hair is smooth and silky then your hair is quite healthy. Damaged hair is very coarse grained. So one of the main signs of healthy hair is the smoothness. 

03. Low Hair Fall:

It's a very normal falling 50 to 100 hairs a day. It does not a matter of concern. But if the quantity raises when you comb and other times it means that you have lack of proper daily nutrition in your hair. 

04. Tangle-Free Hair:

If your hair is tangle-free after washing then you possess nice hair. If you use any serum to free your hair from tangles then it means your hair is not healthy.

 05. Moisture Hair:

If your hair loses moisture day by day, it is of course a matter of concern. The easiest way to understand this is, if you see your hair dries out very quickly after the wash that means your hair is in lack of moisture. 

06. Edge of Hair:

Ripping out the edge of the hair is a common problem for the current generation. Healthy hair edge will not be ripped out. That is to say that healthy hair grows always. But your unhealthy lifestyle is responsible for the rupture of your hair. So, stop using hair straighter now, tie your hair before you go to the bed, etc. If the ends or your hair splits, trim them often. 

07. Healthy Scalp:

Healthy hair starts from a healthy scalp. Healthy scalp means no dandruff. If you have a lot more amount of oil on your hair, it will make your hair lifeless. In this situation, you need to have hot oil massage in your hair before bath and wrap your head with a towel for a minimum of 30 minutes and then wash them with shampoo. You have to take shampoo 3 days a week. 

If all these features are present in your hair then your hair is too healthy. But we must remember that our daily lifestyle is responsible for rough and lifeless hair. So for better hair, we must improve the quality of our lifestyle. Drink plenty of water daily, eat huge green vegetables, fruits, etc. Have adequate amounts of sleep (7 ​​to 8 hours a day), reduce the extra stress etc. Do not heat your hair enough, it may cause problems to your scalp particular dandruff could be produced. Do not comb wet hair roughly, it may weaken your hair ends more. 

About the author


I live in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am an accountant and doing my job as an accounts manager. I am very simple.

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