How to prevent pimples

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Wash your face twice a day. It is very important to keep your face clean when trying to prevent pimples. Washing your face removes dirt, impurities and any excess oil that has built up on the surface of your skin. Ideally, you should wash your face twice a day, in the morning and noon and in the evening, using warm water and a mild facial cleanser. Use a clean dry towel to pat your face dry. Avoid scrubbing your face with a rough wash cloth, sponge or loofah. This will only irritate the skin and cause pimples to become even more inflamed. Wash cloths may also harbor bacteria, which you want to avoid putting in contact with your face. After washing it is important to apply a good moisturizer to hydrate the skin and prevent it from become dry and irritated. However, if you suffer from pimples it is important that you use the right type of moisturizer for your skin type. Heavy, oily moisturizers can clog your pores and lead to further breakouts. Look for moisturizers which say "noncomedogenic" on the label this means that they should not cause your skin to breakout. In addition to looking out for noncomedogenic moisturizers, you should be careful to choose a product that suits your skin type. For example, if you have very oily skin you may want to use a lighter, gel-based moisturizer, whereas if you you have dry, flaky skin, you may need a heavier, cream-based one. Avoid touching your face or popping pimples. Hands come into contact with more dirt and bacteria throughout the day than any other part of the body, which is why you should avoid touching your face at all costs. In addition to spreading bacteria and risking infection, touching spots and pimples can cause them to become irritated and inflamed, thus worsening their appearance and prolonging healing time. Popping pimples, however satisfying it may feel, is one of the worst things you can do for your skin. Popping pimples will only prolong their healing time and may even lead to infection and scarring. Acne scars can be very difficult to get rid of, so you will want to avoid this as far as possible. It is very easy to touch your face without being aware of what you are doing. Be wary of propping your cheek or chin up with your hand when sitting at a desk or table, or of resting your face on your hand in bed at night. Use exfoliating treatments and face masks once a week. Avoid overloading your skin with products. Too many creams, lotions and gels can clog your pores and lead to breakouts, so make sure to apply any facial products sparingly, and no more frequently than is indicated on the packaging. The same goes for make-up, which should be applied as lightly as possible and should be thoroughly removed using a facial cleanser at the end of each day. Protect your skin from the sun. Although traditional advice encouraged the exposure of pimple-prone skin to the sun, with the belief that this would dry pimples out, modern-day skin specialists say otherwise. The sun's UV rays can actually cause pimples to become even more red and inflamed than before. Drinking water has many benefits, for the skin and for the body's overall health. It keeps the body hydrated, helping skin to look firm and plump. It flushes harmful toxins from the system, preventing them from building up and causing skin problems. In addition, water helps ensure the proper function of the skin's metabolism and allows it to regenerate itself. Although it's been proven that chocolate and other junk food don't actually cause pimples, staying away from oily, greasy foods can still have a positive effect for your skin. Pimples form when excess oil clogs up your pores, so limiting the amount of oil that you put into your body in the first place is a step in the right direction. 

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