How To Show Love To Your Country

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There are some ways to show your love to your country.
First, You must participate during the flag ceremony and singing the National Anthem. Sing it with pride and make sure that you really mean all the words you were saying, Because National Anthem is the unique thing that every country has, And if you don't sing it properly you don't show care and love to your country.

Second, Learn to speak your language.
Language is something that only people in your country understands. If you speak your language you show that you really love your country. Wherever you are, even when you are in Public places you should still use your language. It shows being a nationalistic.

And Lastly, Study the history of your country.
You should know the hardships your country had experience and the great actions done by them to solve their problems. This would help you know where your ancestors came from and how your country came to be. You should have interest in studying it because you can show there how to love your country.

But You can still show your love to your country even in small things, like paying taxes, Take care of the Environment, Following the traffic rules, Respect the authorities. But you shouldn't forget to be a Good Christian and a Lover of God.


Please Comment ^_^. Sorry For The Grammar Tho. :3 Hehe.






About the author


16 years old, First year college.

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