How to sleep without the phone

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Many people can not sleep properly at night. However, for the simple things, like sleeping in itself can create rules. Has some simple advice for better sleep Huffington Post online, which you might find useful.

More than a third of the time people spend sleeping. However, according to the age of the normal rhythm of sleep. Many children sleep. Sleep time decreases with age. Physical needs, depending on the time of sleep. However, according to experts, is too low or too much sleep, sleep is not normal either.

Four to nine hours of sleep in an adult human normal and six to eight hours of sleep is ideal. It is seen that more than nine hours or sleeping, the trend over the various diseases.

The rules are simple for better sleep

Make a list of weekly sleep time

At certain times of the day and try to go to sleep. Holidays at the laziness of the mass, but the rules sleeping. Try to sleep six to eight hours. The researchers suggested, drawn by eight hours sleep for a week on a regular basis to continue to develop the habit, and if you take to create good sleeping habits. If necessary, you can go to bed and in the morning you can wake up in the morning. Who wake up late, they went to sleep early.


Skip to two o'clock in the afternoon, after drinking coffee


The fatigue and fatigue felt by many in the afternoon coffee and tea drinks. Temporary fatigue can cause sleep problems, but the extra tea or coffee.


Night, laptop, mobile Take a break from


An hour before going to sleep at night, laptops, mobiles Stop using the device. Night social tab, laptop, desktop, mobile, spending time and sleep affect the body can spoil the whole.


Or just sleeping in the bed


Keep the bed just for sleeping. Sat on the bed watching TV, chatting, to eat, to stop the use of a laptop with the creeps.


Abdominal few flakes


Do not ever go to bed on an empty stomach. Do not eat heavy night. It is not right to go to bed on a full stomach. Take some before you go to bed after dinner.


A glass of milk before going to bed


You can drink a glass of milk before going to bed. Tripatophyana contain milk will help you sleep. Milk is better to be too hot.


Go to sleep off the fatigue of the body


You can take a bath before going to sleep at night. If it is not possible to bathe in the neck, face, hands and feet can be removed and washed with water. It may be fatigue. Fatigue and sleep during the day, from the head off and remove the causes of tensions.


Untimely not Sleep


Many people do not comply with the off season time for sleep is not sleep at night properly. A long time, do not sleep in the afternoon. Analysts said the lunch just karmaksamatai can reduce your sleep, if you lose sleep at night.


Yes, do not sleep drugs


Refer to sleep at night when sleeping with another idea. Before going to sleep, cigarettes, tobacco, tea, coffee, do not eat it. Do not be anxious haoyatei sleep a day or two. If you do not sleep, do not take sleeping pills without a doctor's advice.

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