I can't believe, what happened to the world Now?

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This morning when I got up. I will open my facebook account to checked if there is a new message from my family and close friends all over the globe. The message that caught my attention is the post of my cousin in the Philippines asking justice for our neighbor in the Philippines is dead. The young girl is 16 year old 4th year High School student, these young lady she always slept in their dining room so that she will wake up early in the morning, and cook food for her family before she goes to School. Around 10 in the evening it was pretty quite and people there is sleepin already including here mom. Nobody noticed that there is a bad people get in their house and steal some things inside the house, the young lady wake up and she turn on the light to checked who's somebody get in their house in late night, to her surprised the rubbery man killed her and she got 17 wound all over her face including her body. It is a brutally murdered. I feel shocked and I can't believe why its happened to these young lady. It was pretty sad hearing this news. I hope the justice that their asking come soon and they can find the killer.



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I love to explore new things! :)

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