I Figured Out Why I Like This Pope

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This pope and I will never agree on faith and the existence of a supreme being. He thinks that god exists and I find the whole notion of a supreme being laughable. However I have said before and I will say it again that I like this guy. He seems like a decent person, but I think that I finally realized why he is a nice guy. Pope Francis unlike every Pope before him actually lives in 2014. Sure he believes bronze age mythology, but he does not let that interfere with reality like others do.

He does not deny evolution or science, has spoken on climate change and he has even been called the first Green Pope by the Guardian. He has told people that it is ok to use condoms, though he prefers abstinence; at least he is not telling people that condom use was a sin like certain other popes that shall go without name. This weekend he married people that the church would not marry in the past like those “living in sin”, divorced, single mothers etc. He did not marry a gay couple but I will not rule it out in the future.

I am telling you, this guy has the Catholic church a couple of centuries ahead of the previous popes.


About the author


I have done MBA in finance and My age is 26 years from Pakistan

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