"I Prayed God Would Let it Be"

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Who Was It With? 

Ryan, a distant cousin

When Did You Realize It was Love? 

just the way he made me feel

What Did It Feel Like? 

It was in a matter of hours that I knew I loved him at only 12. I had a short taste of love. Never been kissed, but still knowing the feeling of love. He looked at me with loving eyes and acted like he cared. The 2nd and last day I have seen him in over a year and 1/2, he told me I was pretty to my face. And we laughed and it was wonderful. I left for my home over 1000 miles away and thought of him every day for over a year. I prayed god would let it be so that he would go to this church camp the next summer and prayed just to see him!

What Happened Next? 

I went to the camp 2 weeks ago and no Ryan. My heart was sore but not really broken. Sure it would have been nice to see him and to know that I wasted a whole year on him. But now I think I totally forgot him! Until writing about it now. I have a bf now. He is sweet to me and says all the right things and I love him (Alec) and I hope to have my first kiss with him (:

Lessons Learned

  • Don't waste an entire year on one guy you have seen a grand total of 4 times in your entire life.
  • Love is worth waiting for. Alec is perfect. ily hun!

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