"I Promised Him That I Wouldn't Leave Him"

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Who Was It With? 

Me and my boyfriend/ex-boyfriend

When Did You Realize It was Love? 

Before we started dating

What Did It Feel Like? 

He was amazing, he treated me like a princess. He was amazing and to me he still is. I love him with all my heart and he feels the same. There are a few times when he did things really wrong but I mean, forgive and forget right? I guess that only counts for certain things.

What Happened Next? 

Well we started dating, it was a great 2 months, then all of a sudden he dumped me, I still am confused why, even though it was 4 months ago, I just don't want to bring it up. We promised each other we would stay friends, and we never broke that promise. He's been through so much with other relationships, I don't wanna be like them. I promised him that I wouldn't leave him, he's been left before and it was me who helped him through it all. He was my first love and I shared my first kiss with him, even though we're not together (we're both single) we act like we're dating. We hug, hold hands, kiss, and make out. He tells me how much he loves me and how "adorable" I am. Then one day I finally realized why we're not together. He doesn't want to lose me, He...doesn't wanna be left again...

Lessons Learned

  • don't take crap
  • don't let things slide
  • know how to love
  • know when you're loved

About the author