"I Tried to Ignore the Feelings"

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Who Was It With? 

My best friend, Dan

When Did You Realize It was Love? 

Talking to him in second period

What Did It Feel Like? 

We never really talked the entire school year. But towards the end of the year, we grew very close. He's my best friend. He's very good at giving advice, which I found I needed after my Aunt died in May. One day, we were just talking during second period, and I realized that I was in love with him. It was one of the best feelings that I have ever felt.

What Happened Next? 

I tried to ignore the feelings, because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But the feelings kept growing stronger and stronger. I didn't tell him about these feelings, because it might have ruined our friendship. We talked every day for a while, and still do. He doesn't like to share his personal feelings, unless it's absolutely neccisary, so I figured that he didn't feel the same way. To this day, I still haven't revealed my true feelings for him. We still talk all the time, mainly on Facebook, and I am careful not to let it slip. But I will tell him, when the time is right.

Lessons Learned

  • If you're truly in love with someone, trying to ignore how you feel towards them doesn't work. The feelings don't go away; they just grow stronger.

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