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Tooth related problems are increasing day by day and every second person seems to be affected by the diseases of teeth. It may be because of following reasons:

1. Excessive use of sweetened food, chocolates and flavored milk seems to be an important cause of tooth decay.

2. Lack of use of food containing flouride and calcium thus leading to rapid tooth decay.

3. Another important cause of tooth related problems is improper maintenance of oral hygiene e.g. improper brushing, lack of use of dental floss, use of sweetened drinks at night.

4. Unhygienic dietary habits may be an important cause of increasing tooth problems for example taking snakes in between meals provides a constant source of food for micro organisms.

5. Decrease awareness about preventive measures of improved oral hygiene.

6. Decrease amount of saliva in oral cavity which is because of use of tobacco either it is smoked or used in smokeless form.

7. Not visiting dentist for longer period of time because of expensive dental treatment.

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