Infatuation or Love

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There’s a huge difference in terms of the two words I had placed in the title of this article. Infatuation and love. Most of the time, girls or ladies or teenagers had mistakenly distinguish infatuation as love and the vice versa. Well, why do we have wrong judgement between the two?

Well infatuation as per mr. wikipedia: “Infatuation is the state of being carried away by unreasonable passion or love. Usually, one is inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone.”
So this is just a short passion of love, it may become love in the long run but most of the time, this is just a temporary feeling. Something which can be changed by a mere second or if someone else comes along, it will immediately change too! I most of the time refer it to getting a crush on someone.


Love on the other hand is a huge thing, it somehow keeps a whole huge record of meaning. Unlike infatuation, love is more of a longer kind of feeling, it is something or something you wanted and you are happy with. It gives you a different kind of contentment and satisfaction. Love is sacrificial and most of the time, it doesn’t require too much criteria.

The next time you feel different towards someone, make sure you have recognize if this is infatuation or love.

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