Intelligence is Overrated -- What You Really Need to Succeed -- continued!

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“Intelligence is Overrated” is the title of one of my most-read articles for Forbes magazine. It’s been read by hundreds of thousands world-wide, and sparked an astonishing outpouring of reactions.

Since it began, I’ve been wondering what all the outcry was really about. What provoked so many people about the simple, well-supported suggestion that and individual’s intelligence is given too much weight much significance in our society

The article points out that intelligence, in the generally-used sense of the word, is not the only requisite to success in life and business. It asserts that there are other factors equally important – some even more so. I never asserted that intelligence is not important, but rather that there are plenty of highly successful people who don’t stack up as significantly more intelligent than those at lower levels of the success hierarchy. And if you were judging in terms of academic achievement, they’d be found lagging far behind many, many people still struggling for just a modicum of success.

Research suggests that only about 15% of the basis of individual’s success is related to his or her formal education, experience and intelligence. All right – but if that’s so, what makes up the remaining 85%?

Human engineering

Human engineering is the way we relate to others. How we connect with our fellows. How effectively (or poorly) we communicate. How likable others find us.

I maintain that we live in an ever-changing world. Hardly an earth-shaking observation, and one that I don’t think many would disagree with. I also contend the traditional economist is losing influence, and will continue losing ground to those well-versed in sociology, psychology and behavioral studies.

Economists could be said to have ruled the world since the late 1700s – since political economist and philosopher Adam Smith was tramping the Scottish Highlands. Now, I have nothing against economists. They’re often quite useful. But when it comes to running a modern business or making financial or life decisions, paying them too much heed could be harmful or worse.

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