International Women’s Day: Indian women blame patriarchy, men and submissiveness for their lack of voice

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 In a survey of 1,892 women from various Indian cities, over 60 percent of the respondents said that it is a combination of patriarchy, men and the submissiveness of women, that had led to their fate and “lack of voice” in the country. The results of the survey, ‘Is it an unequal world?’, conducted by two active online communities — WE (Women Endangered) and I Am Who I Am, were released a day ahead of International Women’s Day, via a statement. (This Women’s Day let’s ban women!)

Conducted over six days between the end of February, 2015 and the beginning of March, 2015, the survey took into account the thoughts of women from New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Gurgaon and Pune. Over 50 percent of women felt that love had no place in society most of the time, while another 30 percent were certain of the absence of love. They felt that norms that society encouraged had an overriding power over love, indicating that affection or the emotion of love was not important enough to society.

A little over 50 percent respondents felt they have a voice and audience, but around 46 percent believed their audience and ability to speak up was not regular.  The findings also suggested that not all forms of abuse against women got highlighted or talked about. Some pointed out the fact that rape seemed to be the only form of abuse or assault against women.  The survey findings also observed that women could not blame one specific influence that has led them to be the lesser sex or gender in society.

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I am a student of B.A and i work in many website. One of them Bitlanders.

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