Is the traffic lights really help?

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In the road when were driving those traffic lights give a signal for us to stop , to go or to slow down. Traffic lights also helps to maintain the traffic situation ahead and not just for every motorists but also for individual , for pedestrian that pass by .But lot of accident also happen even if we have a traffic lights in every corner of the street and along the highways.


We know when were in a hurry and always press the pedestrian crossing button at the traffic lights in order to get the go-ahead and and to run across the street? Well I think there's a very good chance that our effort is in vain. As it happens in many cases, the button doesn't actually do anything- its just there to give us a &feeling of control.


This traffic lights will give us the go-ahead when they're good and ready - - and not a minute sooner -- no matter how many times we scream using our middle finger! . Bear in mind though, may this doesn't apply to all traffic lights we have in the road , so better keep your patience and patience, just in case...


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