It takes money to make money

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This is the famous phrase I hear often. I hate these words. I know there is going to be something that will happen. I will be getting my life back on track soon enough.

Howeer, the point of this blog is to talk about how some people try to take advantage of you when you are in a situation such as this. I would have to say one word to these people, karma.

Karma is all around uus. They say what goes around comes around. Well, when you do good and then bad just keeps coming at you, it makaes you begin to wonder if there is something you did wrong.

I am not trying to sound like I am complaining. I am just stating the facts, bad things keep coming back at me even though I do good. All the good I do seems to go unnoticed by those I do the good for.  Perhaps, this is why I get nothing but bbad karma at me.

About the author


Just going through the motions of this crazy life.

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