Let's Talk Bitcoin

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The Let's Talk Bitcoin forum is probably one of the only forums I am quite active in. I simply post just like I would normal post on a day to day basis. In return for posting the community gives me a share of the LTBcoins distributed hat week.

The LTBcoin is a new crptocoin like Bitcoin. I is never o be mined by the general public. The only way to earn LTBcoin is to join in the discussions at the Let's Talk Bitcoin forum. You may also purchase the LTBcoin on the exchanges.

I find that it is a winning coin for those who would like to get into the cryptocoin world, but might be on a budget. There is no expensive mining equipment to purchase and there are no limited times a person is permitted to go to a faucet and claim that small amount of coins. 

About the author


Just going through the motions of this crazy life.

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