"It Took 4 Days for Me to Fall in Love with Him"

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Who Was It With? 


When Did You Realize It was Love? 

when I had to leave him

What Did It Feel Like? 

It felt like he was a thousand suns that were warming my heart. It felt like he was the only thing that could make me happy. His smile made me smile, his laugh made me laugh. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach and when he touched me, I could feel the spark in my body. And the first time our eyes met it was like a static shock. You know you love someone when you can literally feel his feelings for you. When he looks at you, you can feel he feels the same way.

What Happened Next? 

I had to leave him. It took 4 days for me to fall in love with him. He was everything I was looking for. I was on vaction when we met. We weren't suppposed to be together, but that didn't stop us. It never got physical, and we never confessed it to each other, but you just know. The next time I saw him was when I was on vacation again. He was extra flirty this time, we were so close to getting physical, but we didn't. We fought that time. but he just wanted to make up. He didn't fight back. I used to have trouble sleeping. But when we went on another vacation, we went on a canoeing trip and he was there. We slept in the same tent and he fell asleep with his head on my chest. He tried to keep me awake all night. That was the first time I slept all night in months. I had to leave the next day. I couldn't eat and I couldn't sleep. We can never be together. Now my heart is broken and I miss him.

Lessons Learned

  • Fall for someone who you can be with.
  • Don't make your relationship to where you can never see each other.
  • And don't make it a habit when you don't see them to get depressed.
  • Find someone who makes you happy and that all you want is to be in their arms.
  • Love is love, but don't depend on it.

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