It's all about you

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Stay true to yourself
Just like you are
Moody, volatile, exaggerated
Cause one day you will collect the flowers grown from the seeds you planted.
Stay true to yourself
And do not bend down
In front of transitory winds
You are wind yourself
And fire and heat
And water and depth
You are your land
The ground of your own emotions.
Let go in front of them
And you will find that wind slowly
Becoming a normal breath inside your body.
Stay true to yourself
Even if you are both fact and fiction
You plant imaginary seeds
But you can grow real flowers.
Think about love as a balance
The love to the world that you give
And the need to feel loved
The need for heat and depth grounding your body to the wind.
Stay true to yourself
And one day you will find yourself climbing stairs
With the most elastic style of walking
You did not think you are capable of.
You might be even climbing stars
in a sunny day that comes after all
the lunatic visions.
You are both sun and moon
And this is what staying true to yourself is about.

About the author


I am from Karachi, Pakistan.
An ACCA student, Content writer and Blogger.

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