Just an opinion

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Hello friends bitlanders. Do you think if we look at this social networking site as a source not only to earn money but also as a way to give everyone something we would be better? Today I want to tell you what to do to take care of our health more.

Taking good care of your health helps keep you in good shape both physically .and mentally In addition to getting regular physical and dental check-ups there are a number .of other things you can do to take care of your health

Sleep well ·

Eat well and exercise regularly · Reduce your use of drugs and alcohol · The following tips do not cover all of the possible information about each of these topics. Please talk with your health professional if you are having .significant problems in any of these areas Sleep Well Sleeping well every night will help you feel better during the day and make it .easier to deal with stress .Here are some tips on how to improve your sleep Set a schedule. Follow a regular time to go to bed and wake up seven · .days a week .Avoid caffeine after dinner. This includes coffee, cola, and tea · Avoid alcohol and nicotine before bedtime. These substances can cause · .restless sleep Do something to unwind before going to bed. You could do a relaxation · exercise, read a book, or take a hot bath. Do not play computer games or .view over-stimulating videos on the Internet ,Associate the bed with sleep. Avoid using the bed as a place for reading · .watching TV, eating, or working.

Don’t stay in bed when wide awake. If sleep does not occur after thirty · minutes, get out of bed and engage in a quiet activity such as reading until .you are sleepy. Do not watch TV or play computer games

Avoid taking naps during the day. Some people can take short naps in the · middle of the day without a problem. However, for most people naps during .the day interfere with sleep at night ,

Pay attention to the comfort of your bedroom. Keep your bedroom dark · quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Make sure your mattress and .pillows are comfortable Avoid heavy exercise after dinner. Gentle exercise after dinner, such as a · leisurely stroll, may help with sleep.

Avoid heavy exercise after dinner, as this may delay sleep. Vigorous exercise, when performed earlier in the day, can .help with sleep at night

Do not use sleeping pills on a regular basis. Sleeping pills are only helpful · for short-term treatment of sleep problems. Longer-term use can lead to problems with dependence and further sleep problems when the medication .is stopped.


About the author


I'm are automotive engineer. I'm from Romania.

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