Kashmir Council EU condemns killing of two youth by Indian Army in IHK

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Kashmir Council EU condemns killing of two youth by Indian Army in IHK

BRUSSELS: Chairman Kashmir Council Europe (KC-EU) Ali Raza Syed on Wednesday condemned killing of two youth by Indian Army in Handwara area of Indian Held Kashmir (IHK).Two youth namely Muhammad Iqbal Pir (21) and Nayeem Qadir Bhat (23) were killed in Army firing on a protest demonstration in Handwara town of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Tuesday.Protests erupted following ill treatment of Indian security forces at a check point with a girl student on her way to home in the town. Six persons, including a woman, were also injured in the army firing.Ali Raza Syed termed the killing as state terrorism and said, “The killing of innocent and un-armed people is inhuman and unbearable act. Indian authorities have snatched right of a respectable and peaceful life from the people of Kashmir as their life, dignity and honour is insecure in IHK. Killing of the people has become a routine matter in the region of Jammu and Kashmir.Chairman Kashmir Council also condemned prevention of Indian celebrities and public figures from entering into IHK.Recently the Bollywood actor Anupam Kher and film maker Ashok Pandit have been barred to enter Kashmir. In 2011, human right activist Gautam Navlakha was deported from Srinagar airport. Similarly, Aileen Bacalso from Philippines, Prof. Richard Shapiro from US, David Barsamian, prominent Broadcaster from US and many others were prevented from reaching Kashmir for their direct and indirect association with Kashmir human rights struggle.We unequivocally condemn this undemocratic practice of barring entry of people irrespective of their political positions. These restrictions signify the morally weakness of the Indian State, which is using military might to control the people of Jammu and Kashmir, Ali Raza Syed said.He said, the Indian statecraft at all costs wants to continue occupation of Jammu and Kashmir and it exploit all the tactics including violence in order to pressurize the people of the occupied region.He underlined that India wants to intimidate the people of Kashmir for surrendering their demand for right to self-determination but they will not give up the great struggle.Emphasizing that right of self-determination is internationally recognized and Kashmir is an international dispute Ali Raza Syed said, issue of Kashmir should be settled as per the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.Chairman Kashmir Council EU has urged the International Community to take serious notice of the severe situation in IHK and play its active role in peaceful settling the Kashmir dispute.
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