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Love a word which   do not have any specific meaning or definition.Love is what you really like from heart not from brain because your brain always   suggest according to the circumstances but heart will always guide you towards your happiness.

Love is   not the game of genes that would  never ask your thoughts or opinion in any matter , it takes place when you like someone  either by his good deeds or by moral   goodness. Love is not that which we consider nowadays.. The purest form of love can be found   in a mothers personality who   on every cost tries   to do some good   to   her children. She will never ask   you any thing but she will always try to give   you something better than the earlier one and   give you a cheerful happiness.

It can be found between   a husband and wife which   start   their new life   and try to help   each other, They   will try to be sincere to each other and if this   sincerity is not found in them then   there   exist   no love between them. They   do   not   know   how love begins   they   just take   life   like   they are  going   to their destiny without   any   reason   the whole   of   the precious time seems   to be lost in making   petty issues   and they cannot even enjoy with   a smile which comes straight from   heart.

These   are   just   a few   examples which   today   do not have any importance. People now like   to run   towards immortal things and facilities. The   purity of love is   not   found on earth, may be in few places love may be existing which we call real love.

The most   real love is of martyrs who are ready to sacrifice everything even their life   for   the sake of God. Different messengers   on different intervals came and showed the people that what is love,from where it does arise. In doing so they   made the people aware of many things and also proved their love for God.

Written By:

                 M. Usman

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