#LoveYouMaa: Horlicks presents heartwarming video to celebrate motherhood this Women’s Day

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How much do you love your mother? Yes, it cannot be explained in words. A mother-daughter relationship is special. A mother leaves no stone unturned to make her daughter happy all the time. She sacrifices several times just to make her daughter’s dream true. She understands her daughter better than anyone and tries to provide every comfort just to see her happy.

Ahead of Women’s Day, Horlicks India comes up with an emotional video celebrating the relationship between a mother and daughter. The heart-melting video shows how a mother accepts all pain happily so that her daughter doesn’t suffer. The video captures the unspoken love, care and sacrifices that a mother makes for her daughter. The lovely lyrics and imagery will bring tears in your eyes.

The video is a salute to every mother in the world for her unconditional love. This video will revive the unique relationship that a daughter shares with her mom. No one can ever take place of a mother. Indeed, she can give you unconditionally and selflessly.

The heartwarming video will bring smile on your face and make you remember her never ending love for you. Watch the video with your mom and greet her on this Women’s Day.

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I am a student of B.A and i work in many website. One of them Bitlanders.

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