Manual or Automatic Eighteen-Wheelers, Semis, or Tractors whichever one you prefer to call

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When it comes to Eighteen Wheelers there are two types you can drive, now-a-days. There are the automatics or the manuals. From conversations I have had with other truckers manuals seem to be the most loved, but just like everything else there are others who love the automatics as well. Whichever one you enjoy driving is up to you, no one else.


The differences are that the automatic doesn't climb like the manuals do up mountains and the automatic switches gears faster. The automatics rolls like cars unless you switch over to the manual side of driving and yes you can go from automatic to manual in an automatic tractor. To control an automatic tractor while going down mountains (5, 6, or 7 percent downgrades) you have to do controlled braking, so you can stay completely in control of your semi and make it to the bottom safely.


The differences for the manual is that the manual itself has better control by the driver due to the tractor having its gears being switched by the professional driver or the trucker driving it. It switches gears slower than the automatic, but that also depends on the driver's history, the method used, and familiarity with the semi they are driving. Plus, the manual has better climb up mountains and pull (the make and model of the semi plays a factor along with the weight of the load being carried at said time of climb, as well). The manual has to also be down shifted when stopping or stopped to restart the cycle for the transmission to begin anew from gear one or "zer0 mph" ^_^


The fact is it is all opinion per person. The manual and automatic both has their pros and cons just like anything or anyone else, so at the end of the day it all comes down to you. Which one do you love the most?




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