Mazhabs in muslims world?

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Q 6. How many "Mazhabs" are found at present in the Muslim world?

A. According to a saying of the Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم "Sawaad-e-Azam" (vast majority of Muslims following Sunnah) is the only sect which would find good (salvation) in this world and the next world.

This biggest sect of the believers is "Naaji"(blessed one,deserving paradise) i.e. "Ahle-us sunnat-wa-Jama'at" comprising all four
"Mazhabs" (Hanfi, Maaliki, Shaafa'i and Hanbli).

It has been a practice of the whole Muslim Ummah (community of the Holy Prophet) since the time of Taba' Taaba'een (successors to companions' successors) until now that he who knows not himself a "Mujtahid" conforms to (follow
the suit of) any "Mujtahid". That's why, the prominent "Ulama"(Muslim scholars ) "Mohaddiseen" (experts in Ahadith )"Mufassireen" (experts in Qur-aanic exegises) conformed to any of the four Imaams putting aside their valuable reseaches and became, ipso facto, "Muqallid"(conformists,followers).

Hadrat Imaam Bukhari, Imaam Muslim and other scholars, doctors of traditions,narratives whose "Ahaadees" books are considered to be the most authentic in the Muslim world did "Taqleed" (conformed to) throughout their lives.

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