Middle East & Africa Evidence Democracy Universal Yearning –UNSG Ban Ki-moon by Ambassador mo

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This year’s dramatic popular support for political change in North Africa and the Middle East showed that democracy is a governance model that people of all cultures yearn for, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today, noting, however, that it cannot be imposed from abroad. “The world saw the truth of the saying that countries do not become fit for democracy – they become fit through democracy,” Mr. Ban said in a message to mark the International Day for Democracy. “Young people, above all, brought home this message. They championed the democratic ideal and now face the challenge of working to realize the potential of the transitions they helped to set in motion.” After Tearing Down “Iron Curtain” He noted that the preference for democracy is also borne out by the fact that this year is the 20th anniversary of the transformation of Eastern Europe, where many of the countries are still in the early stages of their democratic passage. “They know the painstaking work involved in building the rule of law, fostering transparency and accountability, and overhauling political and economic systems. They know the setbacks that can disappoint expectations, and the passion needed to keep moving forward. Their experiences provide important lessons.” “In all these endeavours, the UN does not seek to export or promote any particular national or regional model of democracy. “It works on the understanding that the democratic ideal is rooted in philosophies and traditions from all parts of the world; that effective democratic governance enhances the quality of life for men and women everywhere; and that democracy provides the foundations for durable peace, security and development,” said Mr. Ban. Related FILM REPORT _ “Ahead of Curve-Arab Change” - diplomaticallyincorrect.org/films/movie/ahead-of-curvearab-world-reform/24771 Related ARTICLE_ “Arab Revolutions-How Far?” diplomaticallyincorrect.org/films/blog_post/arab-revolutions-how-far-by-ambassador-mo/25222 By Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey Facebook – Become a Fan at “Diplomatically Incorrect” Twitter – Follow us at DiplomaticallyX

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"Voice of the Global Citizen"- Diplomatically Incorrect (diplomaticallyincorrect.org) provide film and written reports on issues reflecting diplomatic discourse and the global citizen. Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey (@MuhamedSacirbey) is former Foreign Minister Ambassador of Bosnia & Herzegovina at the United Nations. "Mo" is also signatory of the Rome Conference/Treaty establishing the International…

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