More Global Warming talk with Fernando Acquarone

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QUESTION: As a filmmaker, how did you approach the problem of Global Warming?

In my opinion, a filmmaker should always be very personal when he approaches any subject matter. The closest you keep the subject to your own experiences and beliefs, the more honest and authentic your film will turn out to be. In this specific case, I decided to approach the problem of Global Warming in a humorous way, by applying nonsense and absurdity to a concrete collateral effect that the planet is suffering such as the considerable lack of snow during the skiing season.

QUESTION: Do you think you succeeded in reaching out to people and making them more aware of this issue by your film? If so, how?

Yes, I like to believe that I have succeeded somehow in raising awareness about Global Warming because I have already convinced myself that this is a message worth transmitting. It's hard to spread the word in only a few seconds but if we unite the voices of not only artists but anyone who has an opinion on this issue, the message and it's reach becomes more efficient and powerful.

QUESTION: In your opinion, what is the role of internet as a distribution method for filmmakers like you who want to draw attention to crucial and worldly issues?

Internet is really the only way an issue as important as this one could be effectively displayed to everybody around the world. The amount of data in the web related to global warming is already vast, making it easier to link our work to people who research this sort of information.

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