More Global Warming with Andriana Meyer & Tomas Ochoa

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F.A: As a filmmaker, how did you approach the problem of Global Warming?

A.M: I approach the subject from the art perspective. The work of an artist is raising questions about the human condition. The human species is a predatory one, the most dangerous for the planet. Those who are in power, represent the most extreme of our ignominy. Therefore my vision is pessimistic. Decadence has been always associated with the past and present. Nowadays we live decadence in advance. I want to show in my work: The ruins of the future.

F.A: Do you think you succeeded in reaching out to people and making them more aware of this issue by your film? If so, how?

A.M: In my opinion the notion of people makes sense only if we consider it as a multitude, shaped by free individuals. Each person is a different receptor. A film could have as many readings as the number of members an audience has. After all “the intelligence” is nothing else than the way one interacts with his environment. I don’t know if it is possible –from the arts- to change the collective conscious of the predatory human society. Not in a short or medium term.
If only a few viewers get emotionally involved I would be satisfied.

F.A: In your opinion, what is the role of Internet as a distribution method for filmmakers like you who want to draw attention to crucial and worldly issues?

A.M: The neural patterns of net organization nowadays are the best way to communicate between free individuals and resist towards the corporative machinery of power. Bur Internet is only one of them. We must be creative in order to generate other possibilities of net organization. In the countries where the great majority of the population has no access to Internet the multitude must create alternative synapses.

For the Spanish version,

Interview by Eren Gulfidan -

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