Mother’s Day Quotes 2015: 10 best famous & inspirational quotations to wish Happy Mother’s Day

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The love and care mothers bring in deserves a lifetime of payback and appreciation. Second Sunday of month May gives us an opportunity to celebrate the motherhood as Mother’s Day. But we are sure all of us rejoice it with each passing day as gratefulness to mother’s love need not be confined to just one day.


A mother is angelic, and her presence not only comforts us but is an inspiration. She is the first one to wake up in the morning and last to take rest in our homes. Her love is unadulterated and never-ending for her kids.

A mom indeed is special and has no substitute. Mother’s Day is the right time we show our mothers how much we love and care for them. Now that we have the occasion, here are some famous and  inspirational mother’s day quotes worth sharing.

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I am a student of B.A and i work in many website. One of them Bitlanders.

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