Mr. Speed Kiss tribute band

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Ever went to see a band on the advice of friends? I have and sometimes it pays off and other times not so much. I went to the Celina festival in Ohio, where they were to feature Mr. Speed, the Kiss tribute band. Now so everyone knows, my brother and cousins told me, I should go and see this band.

The band was to start at 8pm, but was late in starting and didn't start till around 9pm. The band played all manner of Kiss songs from their first years, to unmasking,(taking the make up off) and their later years. The band had their make up and costumes down to perfection. Standing at the side of the stage was like having back stage passes to a real Kiss concert. The energy and feel of the crowd coming from the front of the stage was phenomenal. They were very engaged with the crowd, to the point where they would even stop the show and have conversations with their fans.

Here are some examples of music titles Mr. Speed played from that night; Black Diamond, Beth, Rock n roll all night,Calling Dr. Love, and there are many more. Overall the costumes were sweet, the music loud and banging, the crowd wild and, the band was hot on a hot night, and the concert was free.

I have to give my brother and cousins two thumbs up and a snap, they sure do know a great tribute band when they hear and see them. I hope I can see Mr.Speed Kiss Tribute Band again. I highly advise you to get out and see this band, if you haven't.

check out Mr.speed on facebook and

written by PinkWolf

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