my stupid Premonition

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This is a short story from my blog :) this is I translate from Indonesia to English.

My spirit that morning very slow boil like a dim, long thinking about fun things that will happen, though extinct in Hantam presage this. Is this just my gut feeling anyway? previously I've never felt anything like this, seems like there's some drama going on, some things deliberately covered up. The things that I get very last night in connection with the incident that morning. But first, I felt it was all just a joke.
   It's been a long time no see, made ​​me like leaving some great things that have happened. Can I know about the real thing? an answer to my restlessness tonight? I just simply want to know what has happened here.

   I have not been able to talk about my great experience in my new world, the virtual world is now starting ku.Tapi enough funding needs might be too high I hope this all. So far I've been waiting so long to meet you. Preparing great things you want to declare, share a joke and laugh with you people who may have changed a lot after kutemui this morning.

    Unfortunately, what has happened? if I have made ​​you like offense moving away? sentence once joked that can make me laugh uproariously, and now just tipped "crisp"? .
Trust me, since last we parted, I've committed to no longer stuck high in relation only to mislead this my days. I'm not asking you to take me away from drifting while enjoying "Vata Morgana".

   From viewing your shade that morning I saw that there was someone new there, someone who could make your days brighter. Instead of love, do not try and sugarcoat everything. You know? have super human strength called "feeling". Do not try menghargaiku again, I do not trouble about anything that happens to you today, that I know, it'll make you feel better. You remember the saying "Good Will Women Get The Good Men"? I understand now, maybe it's just a stupid joke that I thought yesterday. You are a good woman, who deserve a good guy too. Congratulations :)
Believe me, this is just my stupid Premonition.

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