never be a stereotype

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Facts about those who taunt Muslims:
1.The largest number of rape cases are reported in the western non muslim countries. Sweden stands no.1 where as USA is on no.7 according to the U.N. Hence they require more women rights for their own women.
2.The largest number of street crimes are committed in the U.S followed by Canada, no Muslim country ranks in such top 10 offender countries, according to the UN.
3. None of the Muslim country is in the top 20 countries with fatal fire arm related death rate, according to the UN.Argentina ranks 1st, though.
4.USA has the largest number of school crime which includes gun violence and a random spree of killing several times a year by the students.
5.Top 20 countries in the world that have the least religious values are mostly christian countries, that means they don't even follow their own religion, how will they accept or respect anyone elses.
6.The World Economic Forum ranks the United States 22nd in terms of gender equality out of 135 countries.On the other hand the Americans seem more concerned about its implementation in Muslim countries, whereas they need it the most themselves.

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