Now you can find DigiEuro Scrypt wallets for Windows, MAC OS, Ubuntu and Android.

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DigiEuro - Cryptomoney 

Get 50 DEUR FREE for every new member.
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New DigiEuro Scrypt wallet

Now you can find DigiEuro Scrypt wallets for
Windows, MAC OS, Ubuntu and Android.

Coin Name Digieuro
Coin Abbreviation DEUR
Coin type Pure PoW
Hashing Algorithm Scrypt
Difficulty Retargetting Algorithm Digishield
Halving 2000 blocks
Initial coins per block 100000 coins
Block explorer
Wallets download

Coin Name Digieuro
Coin Abbreviation DEUR
Coin type Bitcoin (SHA256)
Halving 5000 blocks
Initial coins per block 10000 coins
Target spacing 1 min
Target timespan 168 h
Coinbase maturity 10 blocks
P2P port 11015
RPC port 21015


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